Wednesday, June 20, 2012

owl city-cave in

Please take a long hard look Through your text book cause I'm history When I strap my helmet on I'll be long gone Cause I've been dying to leave Yeah, I'll ride the range And hide all my loose change in my bedroom Cause riding a dirt bike down a turn pike Always takes its toll on me I've had just about enough Of quote "diamonds in the rough" Because my back-bone is paper thin Get me out of this cavern or I'll cave in (I'll cave in, I'll cave in...) If the bombs go off the sun will still be shining (The sun will still be shining) Because I've heard it said that Every mushroom cloud has a silver lining (Though I'm always under mining to deep to know) Swallow a drop of gravel and blacktop Cause the road tastes like Wintergreen The wind and rain smell of oil and octane Mixed with stale gasoline I'll soak up the sound Try to sleep on the wet ground I'll get ten minutes give or take Cause I just don't foresee myself getting drowsy When cold integrity keeps me wide awake (Awake, awake, awake, awake...) Get me out of this cavern or I'll cave in (Cave in, cave in, cave in, cave in...) Get me out of this cavern or I'll cave in (Cave in, cave in, cave in, cave in...) I'll keep my helmet on Just in case my head caves in (In case my head caves in) Cause if my thoughts collapse Or my framework snaps It'll make a mess like you wouldn't believe Tie my handle bars to the stars So I stay on track (so I stay on track) And if my intentions trail I'll wrench them away Then I'll take my leave and I won't even look back I won't even look back

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